Health,  Tips

5 Places to Find Face Masks for Sale

As Coronavirus continues to keep us all practicing social distancing, some of us are sticking to ordering our essentials online, FaceTiming our loved ones, and working from home. Unfortunately, not everyone has the option to stay indoors, and let’s face it, sooner or later you’ll want to go for a walk, get something from Starbucks, or pick up a meal from your favorite restaurant. Before heading out though you may want to make sure you’re up to date on your state’s Executive Orders concerning Coronavirus. 

In the Maryland, DC, and Virginia area it is strongly suggested that you wear a mask when traveling outside of your home, and it’s even required in some counties. With the shortage of essential items like tissue, disinfectant, and water, it may be tough to find a mask in your local pharmacy or even online. There’s even a shortage of masks across the healthcare industry. 

So what do you do if you need to go out and you’re required to wear a mask but you don’t have one? Get one made. Some great seamstresses have come to the rescue!

Where to Buy a Mask

Black Squirrel Company is a woman-owned, veteran-owned, small business creating handcrafted personal & home accessories.  During this crisis they were one of the first to jump to action, providing free masks for first responders and healthcare workers. With every mask purchased they are able to donate 2 masks to those individuals on the front-line of Coronavirus. If you are a first responder you can complete the form on the homepage to receive a free mask! You can also hit the donate button below the form to make a donation for those most in need of face masks. (Each mask is hand-made so please allow 5-7 business days to receive your tracking number for shipment.)

I have not purchased from the below resources, but thought we all could use as many resources as possible.

  1. By Keeks With Love – Due to an influx of orders the current processing time for masks is *7-10 business days*.
  1. Mawusi Clothing – Masks are shipped throughout the US within 3-5 business days.
  1. Peculiar 13 Designs –  African and sports themed masks available. Shipments arrive within 3-5 days.
  1. Pockets for People – Cotton masks ship in 3-5 days. For every mask or any item purchased, Pockets for People will be donating an additional mask to a local hospital as a donation.
  1. Face Mask Project – If you are willing and able to give it a try, you can also join in on the sewing fun and order a do-it-yourself sewing kit, complete with all the necessary pre-cut fabric and elastic bands. 

*We will continue to update the list as we identify more resources.

*Asia Shari – This fashion designer makes each mask to order. Masks are shipped out within approximately 3 days of ordering. Send a Direct Message on Instagram to place your order.

Stay safe, stay healthy, and stay home when possible.


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